3 Easy Tips on Seamless Navigation

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In the previous articles this month, we have shared with you some interesting ideas about mobile-first indexing in 2020 and snippets, and how they work in 2020. Today, we are going to talk about seamless navigation.

When you think of seamless navigation, things are very easy. Easy and its synonyms are the keywords. Easy access, simple usage, easy to watch and understand. However, in reality, many things are a bit more complicated. Not mentioning the fact that any company or business needs to keep track of the latest updates in the UX, it should also have a look at the website as a stranger. Why so? An independent opinion of a person who visits the website for the first time may help you improve not only the navigation of your website but also impressions, CTR and other features.

The Whales are going to share with you some essential and easy tips on seamless navigation. The tips seem to be as easy as they are. However, many companies and businesses neglect them and lose a bunch of opportunities just because of a way their website looks like.


3 Tips On Seamless Navigation

1.Simple Layout

The simple layout means that a user is able to travel around your website without any doubts in his or her head. A means A but not B. Take a piece of paper if you are only thinking of creating a website or open your website and check your categories and subcategories. Answer the following questions:

• Does your website have categories and subcategories?
• Are they created in a logical and easy to find a way?
• Do the visitors of your page quickly find the right section and they do not get lost?
• Do they represent the actual trends on the market?

What about a search feature? Let's say your visitor is looking for a definite item or feature, and he or she does not want to waste a lot of time finding it while scanning all the pages of the website. Instead, a person would use a search feature to find all the necessary things within a few seconds.



The content of your website should be the same. The mood and the tone of the content may have a great influence on a visitor. The way you use colors, animations and fonts is important. It creates a psychological impact on the way a visitor accepts your information. He or she needs just a few seconds to have an impression about the webpage you have, and the first impression matters.

3.Seamless Navigation between Pages

All of the pages of your website should be interconnected and related to each other in terms of links and logic. The majority of the pages should lead to something, e.g. to a landing page. Some of the pages should imply or directly lead to CTA. The point is that there is a vivid or hidden meaning behind each page. Think of all the webpages of your site as of a kind of a schema that has many directions but all the directions are connected with each other and lead to a final point of destination. The final point of a visitor journey on your website is a definite item, a CTA or anything else that is important for the success of your business.

Nowadays, the is a variety of applications that can help you with navigation between pages. SPA (Single Page Application) can make really nice transitions that are, however, complex to build. At the same time, MPA (Multi-page Applications) are easy to build but they can create blank screens between pages. You can choose both applications and choose the one you like more for your webpage.


Seamless navigation is essential for your webpage. The whole sense of having a webpage is meaningless without it. Meaningless to your goals of gaining revenues and drawing visitors' attention to your business with the help of your website.


  1. Bianca Ignacio (2017) 10 Tips for a Seamless User Journey through UX Web Design
  2. Yusuke Utsunomiya (2019) Hands-on with Portals: seamless navigation on the Web
  3. Dhuv Mehta (2020) 7 Ecommerce UX Tips That Drive Sales